Friday, January 18, 2008

Vocabularies Related to ACCA F4

If you are studying for Corporate and Business Law Paper, one of the most challenging aspects in preparing for the exam would certainly be the thorough knowledge of the legal jargons. Since we are not using those words in our daily life, it's difficult to remember them. The problem is that if we cannot remember them, we shall not be able to throw efficient and relevant words into the exam answer sheet. Although the examiner might not be expecting us to phrase every individual sentences in the answer sheet like a professional lawyer would, my opinion is that it's best to memorize the relevants words as far as we can and try to use them in our answer during the exam.

With that objective in mind, I am listing the vacabs that a F4 student should be aware of in this post. I would be trying my best to update the list on the weekly basis and hope to complete it in four months time.

Script in Progress

abrogate(v)cancel or abolish sth

accord(n)a settlement or a comprimise of conflicting opinions

affidavit(n)a written statement, made by sb who swears that it is true, that can be used as evidence in court


assent(n)agreement or approval

confer(v)give a degree, title, privilege , etc to sb

coroner(n)an official who investigates any violent or suspicious death

delve(v)try very hard to find information about sth

deprave(v)make sb morally bad

ejusdem generis-of the same kind

enactment(n)a law

entrench(v)establish sth/sb very firmly with the result that change is very difficult or unlikely

equity(n)the application of the principles of natural justice in particular circumstances where the existing laws would not allow a fair or reasonable result

expressio unius est exclusio alterius-the express mention of one thing is the exclusion of the another

forbearance(n)patience, restraint, tolerance

fraught(adj)filled with something

horticulture(n)the art, study or practice of growing flowers, fruits & vegetables

hefty(adj)large and heavy

injunction(n)an official order

legislate(v)make laws

legislature(n)a body of people with the power to make and change laws. The legislature is the main lawmaking body in Singapore which comprises of the President and Parliament.

litigant(n)a person involved in a claim or dispute brought before a law court

mercantile(adj)of trade and commerce

noscitur a sociis-a thing is know by its companion

obiter dictum-a saying by the way

onerous(adj)demanding much efforts

oust(v)remove sb from a job,sometimes to take his/her place

perpetuate(v)-make sth continue

perish(v)to be destoryed, to die

presumption(n)a thing that is considered to be true

proscribe(v)state officially that sth is dangerous or forbidden


ratify(v)make a contract officially valid usually by signing it

ratio decidendi-rationale for the decision

realm(n)a field of activity or interest

redress(n)compensation for a wrongdoing

repeal(v)withdraw a law officially

rescind(v)withdraw a contract & declare that it's no longer valid

slate(v)plan that sth will happen at the specific time

stipulate(v)state sth clearly and firmly as a requirement

stunt(v)prevent sth/sb from growing or developing properly

supervene(v)occur as an interruption

tantamount(adj)equal in effect in sth

tenure(n)the right to remain permanently in one's job

tort(n)wrongful act done negligently but not involving a breach of contract for which a civil suit can be brought

tribunal(n)a group of people with the authority to settle certain types of dispute

unconscionable(adj)excessive, greater, or longer than is reasonable


unfettered(adj)not controlled,free

vitiate(v)spoil the quality or reduce the force of sth

wager(n)a bet

waive(v)choose not to insist on sth in a particular case, even though one has a legal or official right to do so

Please let me know if you find out any error.

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